Steps on how you should get your papers"
Step 1: Deposit YOUR money.
Step 2: Open door.
Step 3: Remove only 1 paper!!!!
Step 4: Shut the door!!!
Now if you want another paper repeat the above steps till desired amount of papers are achieved
I know I may be stepping on toes, but look the peeps who put those papers in those boxes have to pay for them. Please don't steal from those who trying to make a living too!
Now I will get off my soap box.... Lately instead of sitting for Hours and cutting my coupons. I have found this amazing little Christian based site that cuts coupons sells them for very cheap! So if I need 10 coupons of colgate toothpaste I just go there purchase them and voila! They mail them to me... Now you may think pay money for coupons, really. I am finding my time is more precious and I have been spending way tooooo much time cutting coupons and placing them in my binder. I buy three papers and get three coupons alike.. WeLL if I want 20 of one coupon I can purchase sometimes for less. They are already cut. LOVING IT!!!!
Check them out! It's awesome!
My recent purchase $4.00 off Gillette Fusion Pro Glide coupons. From
Those pricey Pro fusion razors that are $9.99. I use a $4.00 Coupon. Walgreens gives me $5.00 back in rewards! CHA CHING .99 cent razor! THEY PAID me to take their razor!!!! Used that $5.00 reward on my next purchase! woo hooo!
Hey i liked this system of coupons.