I took my dear friend to walgreens today for her 2nd time! And we both agree that couponing has now become a drug! Thank GOD it is legal! I can officially say that I have two really bad habits I drink way to much Pepsi and I coupon. I guess couponing would be considered a good habit..
Today my husband said as he handing me $50 "don't buy a bunch of stuff we don't need." Well it is very hard when you are getting stuff for basically free! Walgreens pays me to take their stuff!
Above is what $186.41 worth of stuff from Walgreens looks.. I paid $41.11 coupons and also used Register Rewards that Walgreens offers. Register rewards are like coupons but you use them like money to buy anything in Walgreens.. Walgreens is paying you to take there stuff!
Well the men in my house have no excuse they should not have beards or smell bad! Above Gillett items. The above items without coupons would have cost $44.11. With coupons it cost me (drumroll) $15.04 including tax.. BUT get this they gave me $15.00 in Register Rewards ( to spend on my next transaction! Cha Ching !!!! YES 4 cents!
Above transaction . This would have totaled $43.84. Using my register rewards and coupons cost me $2.42 including tax! The subtotal was .95 cents..Have to give the Govenor his money! My Fav purchase is my hubby's starbucks coffee(he so loves). I had a rain check from a few weeks ago it was $6.99 on sale. Regular price is about $10. With my $1.50 coupon it cost $5.49. Wow I was happy because this is a luxury for him!
Above Transaction 3.. This one cost me $24.45, but if I would have not used any coupons or rewards it would have cost me $98.46. The cool thing was the reach toothbrushes would have cost me over $5.00... THEY WERE FREE!!!.. So how can you pass something up when they are going to give it to you!!!
I know you are thinking why do you need so much stuff? Well When I find bargins like this I stock up on them when they are a good deal. Then when I need real things like food I can concetrate on food and not worry about having to spend grocery money on soap, detergent, toilet paper, and other daily needed items.. It is called a stockpile!!! I love being able to go to my stockpile and grab some shampoo or deo, and not worry about putting it on my grocery list! You should only have FOOD on a grocery list! That is why it is called grociers! lol
I know this seems complicated! and in a sense it is, but once you learn the system and put yourself in the frame of mind there are other places to shop besides Wal-mart... MY family was giving walmart a lot of our money, and it would make me angry . I prefer now to give it to walgreens because they want to keep me as a customer so they pay me to shop there. Yes Walmart has "low prices" and "roll backs" but with a bit of thought and clipping coupons you too can shop like this not to mention if you get more than you need you can donate...Right now we have a lot of people needing the above items because of the recent tornado s .. I will be doing this also!